For urgent assistance, please ring the Ambulance Line on: 01892 731565 (daily 9.00am – 900pm)
For general queries please ring the Admin office on: 01892 824111
Admin office opening hours:
Monday and Tuesday 9.00am – Noon
Wednesday: 2pm – 5pm (we may be experiencing telephone system issues today and if you are unable to leave a message or reach an operator, please call our ambulance number on 01892 731565 and ask our team member to pass your message on to an admin staff member)
Thursday and Friday: 9am – 3pm
Who to contact
For non urgent advice on fox illness, injuries or for patient updates:
For admin related matters or advice on fox deterrence:
For Fundraising and queries regarding shop orders:
For Legacy and Will information contact Sue Williams:
For interest in becoming a volunteer please contact:
Hospital Location:
The Wildlife Hospital is not open to the public. To coordinate dropping off a casualty – please ring the ambulance line on: 01892 731565.
Correspondence address (for admin only – not for casualties or hospital services):
The Lodge,
Kings Toll Road,
Is The Fox Project open to the public?
As a wildlife hospital dealing with sick, injured and inevitably frightened wild animals, we regret we are unable to admit visitors. Please do not turn up to the admin address (this is not the address of the hospital).